The Benefits of ESI Data Mapping
As an extension of Lexbe-hosted Custodian Interviews, Lexbe offers an ESI Data Mapping Service that will create a snapshot of collected data and future data to be collected within a given case.
With the increase in multiple communication tools used to conduct normal course of business, the margins of data to be collected is expanding. A clear, organized map of the potentially relevant data sources minimizes the risk of omitting an important collection opportunity. Having access to snapshot graphs and reports allows for the opportunity to appropriately pre-plan costs and establish a collection and hosting budget.
How It Works
The collection specifics will be associated with each individual custodian and each individual source of data and will be recorded during the custodian interview. The collection specifics include:
Email Address
Phone Number
Data Location (City, State)
Interview Date
Data Source
Number of GBs
Collection Date
Collection Status
This information is maintained in a case specific ESI analytics engine where reports and graphs are automatically generated. The default reports are below, however, custom reports can be generated upon request:
- Total Confirmed GB’s per Custodian
- Total Confirmed GB’s per Data Source
- Unconfirmed Data Records per Custodian
- Unconfirmed Data Records per Data Source
Discuss the scope of your matter with a professional services expert today, commitment-free!
Integration into Lexbe eDiscovery Platform (LEP)
The ESI Data Mapping log can be uploaded into an LEP database for automatic creation of custodian records.
Get a Complimentary Consult
If you have questions about ESI data mapping or any other litigation related issue, we’d be happy to schedule a complimentary consult call.
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