A new Technolawyer Newswire Report, eDiscovery Processing That Scales With Your Needs on Lexbe’s unprecedented processing speed has just been released! “Lexbe’s fast processing enables you to start your document reviews sooner, and meet tight discovery deadlines even as the volume of ESI continues to grow.” The report makes reference to our recently published White Paper, Redefining High Speed eDiscovery Processing & Production detailing a study of our unprecedented processing capacity.
The study focused on processing the standardized 53 GB EDRM Enron data set to TIFF images. Lexbe eDiscovery Processing System (LEPS) was able to complete TIFF processing on the 53GB data set in only 5.3 hours! That is an industry leading TIFFing rate of approximately 10 GBs an hour or over 240 GBs each day! Long turnaround times and astronomical processing costs are no longer necessary evils of TIFF processing with Lexbe.