As the volume of discoverable data continues to increase and data sources fragment, creating functional fact and issue timelines is more important than ever. During the early stages of litigation, timelines can help you develop eDiscovery strategies, identify collection sources, predict disputed facts and issues, and create a preliminary chronological relationship between case events. As your case progresses, timelines can assist you when preparing for depositions, carrying out motion practice, and conducting trial. Associating key documents with timeline events allows you to track the truly critical data in the increasingly murky sea of irrelevant emails, messages, and documents subject to discovery collection. Most importantly, a well-managed fact timeline enables you to build the best case possible.
- Why Timelining is More Important than Ever
- Early Case Analysis
- Timelines or Data Analysis
- Why Timelining is Often Haphazardly Done
- Good Timelining Software Should. . .
- Timelining Uses
- Examples
- Conclusion